CADAS HELPLINE: 0800 254 5658
Available on weekdays
11am - 5pm (Wed 11am - 7pm)
Please phone: 0300 1114002
If you have a general enquiry or are a professional seeking information.

Reducing harmful addiction across Cumbria

How you can support CADAS
We are hugely grateful to the many organisations that fund different aspects of our work. But we can’t rely on them alone. CADAS also manages a vibrant volunteer base so there are lots of different ways to support us and get involved.
We are constantly looking for ways people can support CADAS to boost our finances; not only to keep core services going but also to offer new ones, to support more clients and share our expertise more widely in our communities.
There are lots of ways that you can support our work financially.
Some of them take a few minutes to set up and won’t cost you a penny.
Click on the buttons below to have a look at some of the options.
And whatever you choose, let us know what you’re up to so that we can support you in any way we can and share your story to encourage other people to join you. You can keep us up to date by using the CONTACT form
Every penny you donate will help us support some of the most vulnerable residents of Cumbria. Without the generous donations we receive from individuals like yourself, our service could not continue.
Give as you Live Online is the platform we use to manage all our donations
£5 could help a volunteer support or advise vulnerable callers over the phone for a morning.
£30 could pay for a 30 minute school assembly to make young people more aware of issues around drug, alcohol use or addictive behaviour.
£50 could pay for a one hour of recovery support work with a vulnerable client.
Volunteering with us, whether it is at public events to raise awareness or helping out with admin and reception work, requires sensitivity and a non-judgmental attitude, and also an ability to respect client confidentiality.
Our volunteers are, ‘people people,’ with a positive attitude and a belief that everyone can change their lives for the better with the right support.
We are hugely grateful to the many organisations who fund different aspects of our work, but we can’t rely on them alone. We are constantly looking for ways to boost our finances, not only to keep core services going but also to offer new ones, to support more clients and share our expertise more widely in our communities, and that’s where your fundraising helps to support CADAS.
If you would like to organise a fundraising event for CADAS, we are here to help and support you in every step of your fundraising journey. From coffee mornings to office quizzes, bake-offs to sporting events, our Fundraising Coordinator is always on hand to help.
Phone our switchboard to request our fundraising pack and find everything that you need to make your fundraiser a success, including some inspirational stories from our past fundraisers. If you have any questions or need some advice, just call 0300 111 4002.
Your workplace or business may already have a Social Value or Corporate Social Responsibility strategy that outlines why it’s great to support local causes. Here’s why we think it is a great idea for you to support us:
When you raise money for us, we can turn it into an opportunity to educate your workforce about substance harms or addictions as part of your commitment to their wellbeing.
At least half of the people who contact us are at work. It may well be that there are people at your workplace who need your – and our – support.
It costs us £10,000 per week to run services which reduce the harm caused by addiction for your employees, their families and their local communities.
There are lots of different ways to get involved and start a relationship with us – here are a few…
If you’d like to partner with us long term, contact our CEO, Leigh, on 07714 766658
If you’d like to support us for a year, make us your Charity of the Year – we’ll come to your premises and deliver awareness-raising activities (such as mocktail-making on our smoothie bike) alongside the fundraising
If you’d like to run a one-off fundraising event, why not try a workplace coffee morning, dress down day or quiz night. For more support on how to fundraise for us click here.
Alternatively, you could inspire your staff to give to us individually – perhaps by donating what they’ve saved in travel since working from home or through a scheme where staff members donate a small sum monthly directly from their salary. For more support on how to donate to us click here.
Or you may prefer to donate your time instead of money. Do you have a skill/service that we could benefit from that you would be happy to ‘gift’?
The core aim of CADAS is to reduce harm caused by addictive behaviours. This often means that we see people who cannot afford to pay for help and we raise funds so that we can help them.
But if you can afford to pay, you would help those who are less fortunate if you pay for CADAS coaching.
CADAS now offers this service under the banner 'CHANGE with CADAS'.
Please click below to find out more.